
Latin name: Ginkgo biloba L.

Family: 銀杏科  Ginkgoaceae

Part Used: Mature seeds, leaves

Properties: Taste sweet, bitter, harsh, neutral in nature

Actions:Mature seeds: astringing the lung to calm panting, check vaginal discharge, reduce urination; Leaves: promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, unblocks collaterals and relieves pain, astringes lungs and relieves asthma, resolves turbidity and lowers lipids

Usage:Mature seeds: Excessive phlegm, wheezing and coughing, white and turbid vaginal discharge, enuresis and frequent urination; Leaves: Blood stasis blocking the collaterals, chest pain and heartache, stroke and hemiplegia, lung deficiency and coughing, hyperlipidemia

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Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Tsing Yi Campus)
Address: 20A Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi Island, New Territories 
TEL: 2176 1487
FAX: 21761554

This project is funded by the Chinese Medicine Development Fund

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