
Latin name: Lantana camara L.

Family: 馬鞭草科  Verbenaceae

Part Used: Root, leaves, flower

Properties: 根:味苦,性寒;葉、花:味苦、微甘,性涼

Actions:Roots: clearing heat and discharging fire, detoxicating for dissipating binds; Leaves: clearing heat-toxin and dispelling wind stopping itching; Flowers: clearing heat and relieving hemorrhage.

Usage:根:傷暑頭痛,咽喉炎,胃火牙痛,風濕痺痛,瘰癧痰核;葉: 癰腫毒瘡,濕疹,疥癬,皮炎;花:肺癆咯血,腹痛吐瀉,濕疹,陰癢

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This project is funded by the Chinese Medicine Development Fund

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